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Antonio Caldara Stabat Mater

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Carus Verlag

Antonio Caldara: Stabat Mater

Rediscovering a Hidden Gem

Antonio Caldara (c. 1670 - 1736) remains a relatively unknown composer compared to his contemporaries, despite his prolific output of over 70 operas and countless sacred works. However, his "Stabat Mater" is a testament to his musical genius and deserves greater recognition.

A Masterpiece Rediscovered

Recent performances and recordings have brought Caldara's "Stabat Mater" back to light, revealing its exquisite beauty and emotional depth. The work, composed in the early 18th century, captures the profound sorrow and anguish of Mary as she witnesses the suffering of her son on the cross.

Caldara's music is characterized by its rich harmonies, soaring melodies, and dramatic shifts in mood. The "Stabat Mater" unfolds as a series of emotional tableaux, each depicting a different aspect of Mary's pain and steadfast love.

A Poetic and Spiritual Meditation

The "Stabat Mater" is not merely a musical composition but also a profound poetic meditation. The text, drawn from an ancient Latin hymn, weaves together images of mourning, suffering, and redemption.

Through Caldara's music, the words come to life, creating a deeply emotional and spiritual experience. The "Stabat Mater" invites listeners to reflect on the immense love and sacrifice of Mary and the enduring power of faith in the face of adversity.
